martes, 7 de septiembre de 2010

Les enfants

Una pequeñita, menuda, cabizbaja...tímida; no quiso nunca levantar la cabeza, pero me causaba tanta ternura su cuerpesito , y las ganas con que recibió unas galletas que le di sin decir una palabra , como si tuviera desconfianza y curiosidad .

La conocí en una pequeña comunidad de gente muy humilde, de el país que habito, Honduras, C.A;
en cada rostro diferentes expresiones, hambre ante todo, cansancio de tanto andar con zapatos viejos y trabajar bajo el sol, sed y tristeza... mas sin embargo inocencia, rostros tan puros, libres de maldad e impureza,gente que lucha dia a dia por sobrevivir, personas que duermen con la esperanza de un mañana, madres con la insertidumbre del que daran de comer mañanan a sus hijos enfermitos y desnutridos.
y con tan poco , me llenaron de mucho. he aquí mas fotos de estos rostros angelicales, apuesto a que provocaran en ustedes sentimientos parecidos a los que yo experimente.

Tus pies cuentan tus historias mi niña.

domingo, 5 de septiembre de 2010

Summer memories

Who doesnt loves summer? ME!

I hate the sun , I get freckles, I get insolation,i hate being surrounded by tons of people, I hate the sand inside my butt, and im scare of weird creatures inside the ocean , and im not talking about animals like sharks, im talking about disgusting people who pee in the ocean or throw garbish.
..however one of my favorite places in earth was a little house my grandparents had in the beach ,I used to go alone with them , and spent hours waiting for the sunset, sitting under a palm , and at night laying down , watching the stars, smelling the breeze, nothing beats that , too bad the house isnt there anymore, long story blabla..
beautiful place to think.. another vacation ill never forget.

Last summer vacactions I went to visit my cousin who lives in Costa Rica, we used to be very good friends, she was more like a sister to me , but about a week or two after I came back from my trip, we had some issues, so I decided to take my way, however that doesnt changes my love for her and the memories will always be there.

                                               a nice beach in Costa Rica, surfers and waves

sábado, 4 de septiembre de 2010


Last Saturday, we prepared a surprise farewell party to one of my favorite persons, and one of my best girlfriends, her name is Lulu and shes leaving to Germany for a year or more, and  when I say that someone is special, I mean it, shes so amazing, shes always happy, she takes insomnia pills, she has a collection of the most random things you can imagine , we have so much in common ; this day she gave me a vintage purse she bought over a year ago in a antique s store , and she decided to give it to me at theend of the party ; she gave everybody something special , like her favorite books, movies, bottons ,etc..Im gonna miss her so bad;(, but im glad shes leaving her dreams, makes me happy!


!SURPRISE! finally!

Here s a photo of the purse she gave me <3